βš–οΈ Code of Conduct

As a community, we want to encourage diversity, and set a standard for respectful and appropriate conduct across all communication channels. For this purpose, we have created this code of conduct, which serves as a guide for interaction with the SourceCred community. It is adopted from several well known Code of Conducts of open source projects.


In the following sections:

  • we/our: refers to the members of the SourceCred community, who exist on equal footing.
  • SourceCred: refers to the general project or community.
  • Values Maintainer: refers to @decentralion

Diversity Statement

SourceCred welcomes and encourages participation in our community by people of all backgrounds and identities. We are committed to promoting and sustaining a culture that values mutual respect, tolerance, and learning, and you can read more about culture in the culture documentation pages. We strive to work together as a community to realize these values.

We have created this diversity statement because we believe that a diverse community is stronger, more vibrant, and more productive and motivated. A diverse community where people treat one another with respect has more potential contributors, more sources for ideas, and fewer shared assumptions that might hinder the achievement of our goals.

Thus, we welcome all people to participate in SourceCred regardless of their identity or background.

Introduction & Scope

This code of conduct should be honored by everyone who participates in the SourceCred community. It should be honored in any SourceCred activities including but not limited to online interactions (e.g. public and private mailing lists, issue trackers, discussion forums, wikis, and code repositories), meetups or conferences, and adhered to by anyone claiming affiliation with the SourceCred community. This code of conduct is especially relevant for any group or individual that is representing the SourceCred community in an event (i.e., as speaker, volunteer, or other staff), and should govern standards of behaviors for the individual's participation in said event.

This code of conduct is not exhaustive or complete, but rather serves to distill our understanding of a collaborative, inclusive community, and to provide avenues for seeking support if this code is breached. We should try to follow this code in spirit as much as in letter, to create a friendly and productive environment that enriches the SourceCred community.

Unless explicitly specified for a particular project or initiative, this code of conduct serves as a global standard for all SourceCred affiliated projects, activities, and events. If an individual is found to violate this Code of Conduct via a confidential report, at their discretion the Values Maintainer may consult with other members from the community, for example through a committee, and take any action they deem appropriate. Example actions might include warning the person in question, removing them from a specific activity, or banning them from further participation in activities (in person or online). The last option is unlikely, but possible in extreme circumstances.

Standards for Behavior

All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Please be yourself, but be respectful of others, and always be kind and courteous. There is never a need to be mean, rude, or disrespectful. Specifically, the SourceCred community strives to:

  • Be empathetic: Realize that every post, event, project, or program is created by human beings that are likely trying their best, and aren't perfect. Try your best to understand perspectives that differ from your own, and to ask for clarification when you don't understand how someone feels.
  • Be respectful: Every person deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. If we assume good intentions, we can work together to resolve conflict. We may all experience some frustration from time to time, but we do not allow frustration to turn into a personal attack. A community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one.
  • Be welcoming: When an interaction or community is new, it can be intimidating. We aspire to be welcoming, friendly, and patient to both new and current members, and remember that everyone is constantly growing and learning at all points in their lives.
  • Be compassionate: If you feel the compulsion to act in a disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate manner, you should practice self-compassion, and both step away from the current interaction, and seek others for support. It can be helpful to talk to someone about what is troubling you, and discuss how you can approach a situation with respect, and without conflict.
  • Be collaborative: The success and spirit of SourceCred depends on the participation of many people. Effective and friendly collaboration enables everyone to better achieve their goals.
  • Be aware: We are careful and respectful in our communication, and we take responsibility for our own speech. Be aware of how what you say or do might impact others. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other members of the community.

Unacceptable Behavior

We, the members of the SourceCred community, are committed to making participation in this community a harassment-free experience.

We will not accept harassment or other exclusionary behaviors, such as:

  • The use of sexualized language or imagery
  • Excessive profanity (please avoid curse words; people differ greatly in their sensitivity to swearing)
  • Posting sexually explicit or violent material
  • Violent or intimidating threats or language directed against another person or group
  • Inappropriate physical contact and/or unwelcome sexual attention or sexual comments
  • Sexist, racist, or otherwise discriminatory jokes and language
  • Trolling or insulting and derogatory comments
  • Unwarranted exclusionary comments, such as based on experience level, disability or appearance
  • Continuing behavior that makes someone uncomfortable after being asked to stop.
  • Disclosure of personal information of another person without explicit permission
  • Other unethical or unprofessional conduct
  • Sustained disruption of talks, events, or communications, such as heckling of a speaker
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviors

Reporting Guidelines

For possibly unintentional breaches of the code of conduct, you may want to respond to the person and point out this code of conduct (either in public or in private, whatever is most appropriate). If you believe someone is violating the code of conduct and have decided to submit a report, please report this in a timely manner. Code of conduct violations reduce the value of the community for everyone. The SourceCred community takes reports of misconduct very seriously and are committed to preserving and maintaining the welcoming nature of our community. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.


All reports will be kept confidential, with the exception of cases where the Values Maintainer determines the report should be shared with law enforcement. In those cases, the report will be shared with the proper legal authorities.

In some cases the Values Maintainer may feel like it's better to publicly respond to the issue as well. If that’s the case, the identities of all involved parties and reporters will remain confidential unless the reporter gave permission to use their identity for this purpose.

How to Submit a Report

If you feel your safety is in jeopardy or the situation is an emergency, contact local law enforcement before making a report to SourceCred. (In the U.S., dial 911.)

The Values Maintainer on behalf of the SourceCred community is committed to promptly addressing any reported issues. If you have experienced or witnessed behavior that violates the SourceCred Code of Conduct, please send an email to concerns@sourcecred.io.


This code of conduct has been adapted from the USRSE and NumFocus code of conducts, both of which were adapted from numerous sources, including:

This Code of Conduct is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.